Salento, Torre Specchia

Genres: Dancehall

Area Camper


There is an exciting resurgence of conscious, organic music in Jamaica and industry experts and fans alike agree that Protoje is among those at the forefront of the movement known as the ‘Reggae Revival.’ Leading the militant band - The Indiggnation - the powerful songwriter and philosophical thinker articulates the righteous anger of an emerging…
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THIS IS CAPLETON - KING SHANGO - THE PROPHET OFFICIAL FACEBOOK) A wise man once said that a prophet is never honored in his own country. And so it has been with Capleton. While the veteran DJ‚s words and works long ago earned him the title of “The Prophet”, the respect and honor that should…
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La Villa Ada Posse è una crew di artisti romani che da oltre 20 anni contribuisce significativamente alla storia della scena musicale reggae e raggamuffin italiana.Nasce nel 1992 prendendo il nome dall’omonimo parco di Roma, in cui i suoi membri erano soliti incontrarsi e dove gli spazi di verde offrivano ossigeno, ispirazione e spunti di…
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